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Re: Gifting resources

I've noticed that the my resource production, what I acctually have to work with, does not match up with the amounts found under the 'resources' tab, so is the amount that we can gift an hour of what our planets acctually produce, or an hour of what they 'should' produce?

Re: Gifting resources

The rule states:

"Once within a 24 hour period a higher ranking player may send the equivalent of 1 hour of production to a lower ranking player (pulling)."

This does not say the listed amount. This unfortunately leads to open interpretation. Neither way is specifically stated (between the actual amount of resources earned per hour, and the listed amount) in the pulling rule. Perhaps Zorg could post which way players should be interpreting the pulling rule as clarification...
Death begins with life's first breath, and life begins at the touch of death.

Re: Gifting resources

IKICKAYOUWASSNOW wrote:This does not say the listed amount. This unfortunately leads to open interpretation. Neither way is specifically stated (between the actual amount of resources earned per hour, and the listed amount) in the pulling rule. Perhaps Zorg could post which way players should be interpreting the pulling rule as clarification...
I think the admins or GOs will use the listed amount since they can't check every players' actual earnings.
The listed earnings should also be the same as the actual earnings unless it is another bug.
If it just gives a rough estimate, then I think the GOs will also give a leeway on the max res you can give every 24 hours.
Seasons end.