The Crusaders

Hello, I am krazy88, the leader of the alliance The Crusaders(CRUSADE). This is still a learning experience for me as I have just joined myself. I am looking foward to having an alliance. I hope that all the members enjoy the experience too. The alliance is open to NAPS at any time. I am accepting anyone to the alliance.

The rankings will be divided in to the Army, Navy, Marines, and Air Force.

Contacts and leaders:

Alliance General: krazy88

Army General:

Navy General:

Marines General: EDIT- Marines General- Tzeentech

Air Force General: EDIT- Air Force Genearl- stergs

These spots are open to the first players that join. Here are the rules:
( any member can suggest anything at any time. I am looking for a logo and a forum for the alliance currently)

1- Do not sware
2- Be nice
3- Play by Zorg Empire Rules
4- Be active, inactivity for seven days will result in a kick
5- Do not keep secrets from your alliance, we need to trust our alliance

So, have fun and remember to join the alliance
Last edited by krazy88 on Sat Dec 05, 2009 10:38 pm, edited 2 times in total.