Re: New Ship: Super Cargo Ship

I like the idea of supersizing a cargo ship. High requirements make it very likely that this ship would improve gameplay, rather than cause any rift between styles. My vote is for this ship.[quote="adressor"]yeah but what you fail to realize is that most players that ahve the cash will just use them for turtling. You dont want to upgrade the engine drives but you want to overload thier shielding?

As adressor said "yeah but what you fail to realize is that most players that ahve the cash will just use them for turtling. You dont want to upgrade the engine drives but you want to overload thier shielding?"

Two things to say to that: 1) Using ships to turtle is like lighting a fire by rubing ice cubes together, it doesnt work. 2) How is it going to be extortioned by turtles? The increased speed would help miners with quicker trades, if anyone was going to benefit. But, everyone has equal oppurtunity, and this would benefit ALL playing styles.
Death begins with life's first breath, and life begins at the touch of death.

Re: New Ship: Super Cargo Ship

I can see a need for a bigger cargo ship, but the size of it is enormous. 10mil units. You are jumping from 25k units to 10mil units. You would need a ship the size of the death star to move it. It would be big and slow. I could see having pods added to ships, like say 20k units per pod but you would need a new tech for say like cargo pods.

Or a new tech can be added say underground bunker housing, each housing can hold say 50k per lvl.
You would need

Nanite Factory lvl 8
Shield lvl 10
Armour lvl 10

This you would need before you are able to build it

Starting cost 250,000 metal, 125,000 crystal

and the cost goes up every 25k units per lvl
In other words whatever is in the underground bunkers, Raiders can't detect it or take it away from you. So at least you left with something.

Re: New Ship: Super Cargo Ship

Dredge wrote:
Nanite Factory lvl 8
Shield lvl 10
Armour lvl 10

This you would need before you are able to build it
lvl 8 nanite is not something that is realistic 5 or 6 maybe but takes a lot of res to get a lvl 8..and as prolly 1 of just a handful of people that can move 2 billion res in 1 trip with just LC's i would love a ship of this type..what a deut saver it would be!

Re: New Ship: Super Cargo Ship

i think the SCS is a good idea because i'd only have to build 1 to hide 10M res. rather then trying to hide 10 DS, plus the points gained from having so meny DS adventully makes me a target. although i'm not a fan of the LC with the rec for DF because then everyone would just send what even number of LC with 1 rec, even if their was a ratio set like 1LC per 1 rec it would be retarded. it would save a tune in duterium although the farmers would feel the hurt from that. and if the SCS come into play it would be even more sick. i think the idea of having the SCS with such low shielding would dem this ships soul perpous to only moving res around and hiding them and would deam this ship useless for attacks. although would be useless for deffending to. the high speed would be nice to move mass amounts around quick and would save on deut, plus would save alot to for fleet save. although having a ship almost the size of a death star moving at 100 times quicker is insaine.
will thats my 2 cents
P.S. i'm coming for my res back defient!
how i'm still around.... no one knows...