Re: Forum Game: Count game

Istalris wrote:200, i win!

Edit: I get the change the flow? Ok, from now on the person posting has to take the last two numbers, add them together and find the square root of the result, then post that as the number.

First poster to find the number 666 using this system wins!
I dont really get it!!! :lol:
Ok I'll try.
I'll try the number..... 125
Then square root..... 12.24744871.....
Umm this is harder than I thought :lol:
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Re: Forum Game: Count game

Istalris wrote:200, i win!

Edit: I get the change the flow? Ok, from now on the person posting has to take the last two numbers, add them together and find the square root of the result, then post that as the number.

First poster to find the number 666 using this system wins!
Is that not impossible, the numbers would diminish to a million decimal places soon enough, unless Im missing something...
√17= 4.12310563

Re: Forum Game: Count game

It is very possible, but it would bee a few hundred more posts to get that high. It would need a few thousand more posts now that a couple of individuals have ruined it...

I won, now you play by my rules. You can round the answers off to the nearest integer.
When people ask me plz because it's shorter than please, i feel inclined to respond no because it's shorter than yes...

Re: Forum Game: Count game

yyyxxxzzz wrote:So, you want it this way,
SQRT(199+200) = SQRT(499) = FLOOR(22.338308) = 22
You see the problem it goes down.

should be around 20.


"You are in a position to demand nothing. I however, am in a position to grant nothing."

Khan Noonian Singh

Re: Forum Game: Count game

oh! well you are right. but still my point stands. It's a decreasing curve. to produce 666 you would need two quiet large numbers.
=>2a = 443556-1
so the last two digits needs to be 221777 and 221778.
How about that.
Barbaric nomad causing P-A-I-N.