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Re: Building queue

I don't have it either. I don't think anyone does except slash and zorg plus users. And its definately not a lack of resources i have 10 times the needed amount for some of them and still no build queue
Peace through Strength, Strength through Unity

Re: Building queue

Xeras wrote:I don't have it either. I don't think anyone does except slash and zorg plus users. And its definately not a lack of resources i have 10 times the needed amount for some of them and still no build queue
The same applies to me, also.
I 'm sure it will be sorted out, there is also one more topic addressing the issue.
By the way, can you private message me your coordinates?
I might be able to help you out in utilizing so many resources in the meantime :twisted:
:lol: :lol: :lol:
Destroy it and in three days I will rebuild it