Pkromm [VVV] vs Curtis [A~O] TD:7,072,473,100

I was almost ready to Log out, then checked PMs for last time and saw Gumppy's PM with a spy report and few single words: can you go for it ?
Before see where the fleet was landed, I recognize it, I had launched many times against it but always the Old Fox Curtis was on and moved last seconds before hit, playing the game Cat and rat.
Immediately I reply : moving deuterium I am ready to go. Than was the first surprise, transport mission arrived after 15 minutes but no deuterium was delivered, I sent again from 6 galaxies away,part of my heavy fleet were on deploy Mission and I did not want recall and wait they come back as I could lose the target, so I build 50k LF for fodder cross my fingers and attack without probe.
I am quite sure that the reason Curtis was not there this time, was not his fault, well maybe he will tell us what happen.

that's the result of the battle:

The attacker has won the battle !
You receive 0 units of Metal, 1050 units of Crystal and 6889756 units of Deuterium.
The attacker has lost a total of 1.709.815.000 units.
The defender has lost a total of 5.362.658.100 units.
A debris field containing units of Metal and 1.181.389.800 units of Crystal has formed in orbit around the planet.
The probability of creating a moon is : 18 %
A moon has formed around the planet [x:xxx:x] !

Good rebuild Curtis, all we know, you are a master in that, was and will be great chase you around again.

GlotR Curtis

Re: Pkromm [VVV] vs Curtis [A~O] TD:7,072,473,100

Wow, Awesome hit PK!

Your first HOF and a #2 at that. Congrats bro!

Gumps: Showing the stripes on the MVP trophy. Great lead and selflessness.

Curtis, good luck on the rebuild. It has got to be tough fleeting with VVV fleets hanging around every corner.

"You are in a position to demand nothing. I however, am in a position to grant nothing."

Khan Noonian Singh