Re: Fleeter, Miner, or Turtle?

As soon as I get at least 27/25/20 mines on my newest colonies, I'm going to start constructing a fleet...Watch out, everyone, because I recently just got my hands dirty. ;)
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Re: Fleeter, Miner, or Turtle?

I don't feel like reading seven pages of topic (O_O) but I consider my self a miner, but I raid and build enough defense per planet so that I am unprofitable.

200 light lasers, 15 ion cannons, 2 gauss cannons, and 10 heavy lasers per one plasma cannon serves me quite nicely for a balance and keeping it symmetrical.

Re: Fleeter, Miner, or Turtle?

i think this round i'm going to go fleeter. although going to get a good base on mines and deffences i think my planets while have something along the lines of 25 metal 22 crystal and 30 deuterium and 10k RL LL 4k GC 2k plasma.... so in 10 months from now i might break 3k fleet points :D the hard part is going to be getting my moons to hide from most of you guys
just to add to gumppies post about the expoditions. you have to send out something around 13 ships to have a chance at get 1 of the same type although you have a greater chance at loosing half the ships you send. you also have a chance at recieaving resources although its only equivalent to 1 LC ships even if you send out 100. at lest it was for me months ago. and if you send out death stars you can recieve resources from them up to one ships cargo space. although i haven't tried sending 13 out to see if i could get one back lol
how i'm still around.... no one knows...