Re: Adventure

You see excalibur, you see hammer of Thror, you see the green light-saber of Luke, but you don't have money to buy. So get what you can afford.
You get out of the shop buying a Slingshot and some rounds. You go out take the next alley to the closest crossroad. One road goes to the farthest reach of death valley the other goes to the green valley of witch-mountain. Which one to take???
Barbaric nomad causing P-A-I-N.

Re: Adventure

ilikepieyum wrote:i am running the story :roll:

go away or play right :roll:

;) now that they are gone, lets get back to the story, you go into the shop and you see you can buy swords and stuff
Then how do you play i was trying i don't know what it is about
Join the DosShell Alliance

Re: Adventure

atlervetok, you have to do things that make sense, you can't go random places

yyyxxxzzz, i decide what is there, you can buy it

micro-soft, you decide what to do, i decide what happens after you made that choice :)

doesn't that count as spam!!! :x

This is not like adventure II !!!! after you do one action you have to wait for me to say something before you can do the next thing!!!! :evil:

If you do not want to follow these rules, start an adventure III but do not spam in this topic!

now back to the story...

Gale you see that you can buy

A longsword- $ 50

a shortsword- $25

A bow- $50

10 bombs- $25


What do you buy???
wait you have no money!!! :roll:
the shop owner looks up, "hi" he says
"wow thats a cool camera you got, you could sell that for a fortune, but good pictures can be sold for more..."

"that picture of a trap looks as if it could be sold for $100 in fact i'll buy it"

Re: Adventure

"Give me $125 and I'll think about it. Just you REALLY want this picture?"

*waves it in front of his face*

"Besides, I'm sure there are some TRUE artists around here that can recognize my expertise in photography...take it or leave it, but it's your loss if you don't grab this deal while you have it!" :geek:

EDIT: Nice pic of me, by the way. Took me hours to get my hair like that. :lol:
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