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Do actual weapon and shield values include a random agent?

Trying to understand the battle engine- I simulated two different battles, only difference is number of large cargo ships for attacker. Rather than list two reports, I will combine both of the relevant lines, second report in italics.

Attacker Attacker [0:0:0]
Weapons: 90 % Shields: 90 % Armor: 90 %
Type L. Cargo. L. Fighter H. Fighter Cruiser B.ship
Number 53 125 15 20 12
Number 50 125 15 20 12
Weapon 8 89 276 616 2.147
Weapon 8 95 262 897 1.691
Shield 41 17 56 92 452
Shield 55 16 47 89 403
Armour 2.850 570 2.375 6.175 11.400
Armour 2.850 570 2.375 6.175 11.400

Defender Defender [0:0:0]
Weapons: 90 % Shields: 70 % Armor: 70 %
Type Light Laser.
Number 144
Number 144
Weapon 154
Weapon 224
Shield 36
Shield 50
Armour 170
Armour 170

1) Why are the weapons and shield values so drastically different, for example in the second report, the weapons value is 45% higher and shields are 39% higher for exactly the same quantity of light lasers.
2) Why is the armor value the same in both reports for the cargo ships, even though there is a difference in quantity?
3) I have not yet sufficiently searched the forum, but are there any relevant equations for determining weapon/shield/armor values after taking tech value into account over listed base values?

Thanks for your help.