Re: Defiant[AZG] vs slayer83[AoD] TD : 478.428.000

Adassa wrote:How nice...To hit a man when he's down... ;)
I think I can speak for Defiant when I say this was purely a hit based on profit, as I was the one that made Slayer recall. And had I not fallen asleep I would have taken advantage of Defiant's computer lag and enjoyed the profits myself. As any predator in this game will tell you, if the gains out way the costs, then it is worth a shot. And from my stand point, I can brek it down like this... The attack that I launched came from much further than where I would have attacked on Slayer's return, and it cost me 3 mill deut (for attack mission and to send recyclers). I had simmed it already and knew what I was going to be collecting in the debris. Also looking at the fleet content I was able to figure out that there was up to a possible 35 mill in resources with that fleet. Is there anyone that would say that was not a big enough hit? I don't think so! Defiant figured the same thing and went through with it, so great hit there Defiant!

Slayer, you have moons. Use them. Untill then GLOTR
[Showing no mercy!