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Re: A bunch of questions bothering me.

There goes distance from galaxy to galaxy first, system to system afterwards and finally planet to planet.

When calculating distance from 1:2:12 to 2:3:4
It is like 20.000 (2-1) = 20,000 for galaxy
2700 + 95 (3-2) = 2795 for system
1000 + 5 * (|12 - 4|) = 1040

The total distance is 23835

You can use this as an example to determine the speed/time over distance function as well. ;)

Re: A bunch of questions bothering me.

i have another question
how many sectors/quadrants and how many planetary systems each are there.for example
the first number is a quad the second is sytems (the number of planets per system is unimportant to me at this time)
another way of putting it is how many Galaxies and how many systems per galaxy ? (again the number of planets each is unimportant)

Re: A bunch of questions bothering me.

Zorg wrote:There goes distance from galaxy to galaxy first, system to system afterwards and finally planet to planet.

When calculating distance from 1:2:12 to 2:3:4
It is like 20.000 (2-1) = 20,000 for galaxy
2700 + 95 (3-2) = 2795 for system
1000 + 5 * (|12 - 4|) = 1040

The total distance is 23835

You can use this as an example to determine the speed/time over distance function as well. ;)

is english? or simple english?

1 Warning for Gravedigging. ~Weresloth
Fanta Is the best thing the world created