Rules of engagement

To keep more players active and not quit there should be a rule for who can attack who at any level. A player with 6,000,000 points should not be able to attack a player with 100,000 points. If you want the game to grow then don't keep destroying the little guys. Say 5x plus or minus is close for all players. It is very frustrating to start to build a fleet and have fun to get a high level come wipe out your entire fleet.

Re: Rules of engagement

I will say the same thing to you that I and other higher level players have been saying on every one of these types of topics that have come up. You have until 10k to get out of newbie status.... if you haven't learned by then to fleet save and play the game properly then you deserve to be hit. Why is this so HARD to understand..... if you do not leave fleet or resources laying around.... you won't get hit. DO NOT leave temptation in someone's face and expect them to look the other way. It will not happen.
Just when you thought your were in control... I proved you wrong!

Re: Rules of engagement

WOW, this sounds like the bully in the school yard. You ask for money and more players and you get many new players but they all leave because of your lack of rules. STOP asking for players and money if you don't do anything to make the game more fun and something to enjoy. A new player with no moons has no defense over a high level that can see your fleets move and wait for you to land and destroy you. I think you really need to stop and think about what you are saying.

Re: Rules of engagement

Just as a further point. EDIT did not get so big from letting high levels destroy low levels. They protect them to keep them interested and keep going in the game. They keep collecting their money and allow them to grow and become high levels. You may want to think about that.

Don't talk about other games. -Weresloth

Re: Rules of engagement

Look, this is a war game it's not supposed to be fair. If you can't manage to keep your fleet then either stop playing or get better. It's as simple as that.
Forum Administrator
Noblesse Oblige 77 MP

Re: Rules of engagement

best way to fleetsave if you have no moons at start of game is to attack an inactive moon at 10% speed using an RIP if have one or recs

i did this method for a very long time with no moons

and even when i got moons I still did this method in case my moon/s got popped :lol:

Re: Rules of engagement

This post has nothing to do with me keeping my fleet. I am still here because I enjoy it. It is about asking for new players and asking for more money for the game and doing nothing to keep the players you get. There are never more than 160 players on at any time so stop and think about it. And why ?

Re: Rules of engagement

These new players you are speaking of must protect themselves. Almost everyone has been crashed at one point or another. The key is for them not to be profitable. If they aren't profitable, then they won't be hit. All of the big dogs here now, they had to go through this process of avoiding the strong players when they were growing, its just a part of the game.
Death begins with life's first breath, and life begins at the touch of death.