vac hiders

so what happens when someone attacks you and you send your fleet after them and then they jump into vac mode? Does your fleet in transit still get to attack or did i wast all the deut sending it, cause that ***** if so...

and while on the subject how can people like my neighbor come out of vac attack and then go back in to vac. that is bs he has done it 3 times today.

Re: vac hiders

oziathan wrote:so what happens when someone attacks you and you send your fleet after them and then they jump into vac mode? Does your fleet in transit still get to attack or did i wast all the deut sending it, cause that ***** if so...

and while on the subject how can people like my neighbor come out of vac attack and then go back in to vac. that is bs he has done it 3 times today.
In response to your first part as long as your fleet is in the air/on the move before he goes into v mode the attack should go through. As for the second part contact zorg.

Re: vac hiders

THATS SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO WEIRD!!! Ahsan800 went into V-mode and was out the next day..........something weird is going on.

Re: vac hiders

Hmmm.... This isn't the first time I've heard about this problem so I'm deciding to take this issue a step further. Today about 5min ago I entered V-mode, when the time limit is up I will exit from it and soon after before the 48hour min expires try to access it again. I heard from a friend (no names) that this is how they did it and I am out to prove if this form of cheating exists.

Will report my finding in 3-4 days

3, 2, 1.....Boom! Headshot


Re: vac hiders

If anyone want to preform this scenario with me feel free, If this is truly how they cheat, I would prefer some extra voices when bringing this to administration. Alternitivly if anyone can confirm that the process listed in my earlier post works please contact me, I will not release your names.

3, 2, 1.....Boom! Headshot


Re: vac hiders

listen to me now aight? the vmode for me is same for every oen else the only reason it came out was cause of that update thing aight soget info right.........and myname was only mentioned once UV and ohya eclipseif u dot no wat urtalking abt dont say anything
Most people say im on a boat, but im on a damn PLANE!!! catch me now!!!

Re: vac hiders

Ashan, Calm

No one here is pointing fingers at anyone, I'm am simply just trying to determine if there is a glitch in the V-Mode program. If there is a way for people to jump in/out of V-Mode at will I think it woud do good to prevent others from cheating. The scenario I am using was told to me by a previous Zorg Player who I know in rl and used it many times. I am trying to simply prove if his metheod was a way of cheating and if it was real. Besides I have seen this happen with other players (V-Hopping).

3, 2, 1.....Boom! Headshot


Re: vac hiders

:| ok well i c wat ur saying........but if u go in vmode when some onelaunches a fleet at u then it still attacks uandthe damage stillcounts.......but ifu want to investigate please be myguest........ask me if u need any helpor anything

-ahsan :arrow: :| :| :|
Most people say im on a boat, but im on a damn PLANE!!! catch me now!!!

Re: vac hiders

AHSAN800 wrote:listen to me now aight? the vmode for me is same for every oen else the only reason it came out was cause of that update thing aight soget info right.........and myname was only mentioned once UV and ohya eclipseif u dot no wat urtalking abt dont say anything
I'm going to try this too like UV, as for Ahsan during the war we were following each other in and out of v mode and it was always the legal time allotted I saw no cheating on his part.