Gumppy [~V~] -VS- Zookon [~V~] TD= 11,510,257,600.

With mutual agreement with the man that took me out ;)

It has taken me a long time to amass a fleet of this size and it is my pleasure to have my friend take the spoils. The guy deserves it more than anyone. Out of all my time playing Zorg Gumps has been the only person who has ever come anywhere close to touching my fleet.

Well here it is :twisted:

The attacker has won the battle !

You receive 36136022 units of Metal, 11507650 units of Crystal and 47497180 units of Deuterium.

The attacker has lost a total of 1.545.753.500 units.

The defender has lost a total of 9.964.504.100 units. Ouch!!!

A debris field containing 4.998.704.160 units of Metal and 1.907.450.400 units of Crystal has formed in orbit around the planet.

The probability of creating a moon is : 18 % Wtf!!! 18% lol. Hhhmmm moon shots could be hard now lol.

Enjoy the spoils Gumps, can't see anyone touching you for a while now :D


Re: Gumppy [~V~] -VS- Zookon [~V~] TD= 11,510,257,600.

just to let everyone know this and the other battles will be sent to the admin for further evaluation..i believe the combat simulator is posting correct numbers but what is really happening out here a whole different story..only the take out of malphage's hit generated a zero loss every time i simmed it.The rest suggested @ a 50-60% more dmg taken from the attacker end which i believe to be closer to the truth. The Cr's i am seeing indicate a total attacker advantage atm.

And as stated in your good-bye post may life treat you better then my ship captains just did Zoo!! ;)

God Bless bro and if nothing else see ya on the otherside! :D