Re: ANYTHING, anything at all

First off thats double posting. Secondly, I told you what any player in the game could have done and thirdly I just took a 5 day vacation last week. What more do i have to do to let you catch me? That blew the 16K lead I had on you.
Death begins with life's first breath, and life begins at the touch of death.

Re: ANYTHING, anything at all

Random post:

I have a concert to go to tonight. We're singing the Mozart Requiem in my Concert throat hurts, lol.

In my Show Choir, we're singing/dancing to "Pinball Wizard", "Let Yourself Go", "If I Should Lose My Way", "When I Get My Name in Lights", and "Bad Case of Lovin' You". These performances will be AFTER I sing the throat will hurt even worse. OH JOY...

This night is NOT going to be pretty. :lol:
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