Please make sure you have checked the Players Guide thread first, before asking any questions.

Got a problem with a mod?

Contact the Administrator at and explain your situation.

Posting mail to the moderators of the forums will not do anything. Repeated abuse of the forum message system will result in a removal of posting privileges (ban).

Regards and happy hunting!

Re: Got a problem with a mod?

A standard procedure that is being followed is the one below:

-Contact the mod with which you have the problem.
-Try to find a solution with him
-If you think the mod is not following up the rules and you still cannot come to a mutual solution....
In your email:
-Give the forum link of the problem
-Give your forum username
-Give the moderator name you contacted as well as the communication you had with him. You must message the moderator, you cannot skip this phase. Do wait 1 or 2 days for a moderator reply before coming to email.

and lastly, make sure you have read the forum rules!