Re: Adventure

----Gale Enters Story Suddenly----

*Pops head out of barrel slowly and cautiously and looks at Eric*

"Psst...Is it saaaaaaaafe?...."

ilikepieyum wrote:....a leaf floating down to the ground falls instantly when you hit it....
(And where did this leaf come from?...The tree growing from the rocks in the dark, hot, cavern?...Just wondering, LOL!!! <3 ILP.)
_______________________Public Relations Administrator______________________

__________________A tongue of silver is worth plenty in gold._________________

Re: Adventure

The warriors rush around the corner...
the archers line up and the others rush fowards.
You see another team on the other side who has done the same thing.
a battle takes place...
quickly all but two of the orcs are dead.
those two orcs are on different teams.
one of the orcs runs over to the barrel and tries to pick it up to throw at the other one....
it is too heavy. he looks inside and spots you.
what do you do?

Re: Adventure


"I hope you can enjoy the victory with one FRIGGIN' EYE!!!!"

*pokes orc in the eyes harshly*
_______________________Public Relations Administrator______________________

__________________A tongue of silver is worth plenty in gold._________________

Re: Adventure

while Gale is busy quoting exerpts from Jim Carey, I thrust the tip of my sword under his lower jaw (the orcish soft spot) and thru his brain. He backs up rapidly and starts flailing away. I sure hope that scared the other Orc away.

Re: Adventure

Looks to me like they're doing fine, I wait behind the barrel for the perfect moment. While I think to myself, what the heck were they doing in there in the first place? Realising... I really don't want to know anyway.LOL
When your government says not to panic, That's when you run!

Re: Adventure

I hop out of the barrel ready to put a beatdown on the other orc and land on someone. I look down to see xar. Naturally, I throw him at the orc as bait and sneak up beghind the orc to klll it, but I can't deliver the hit until after the orc makes xar cry. :evil: