Re: Sparta declares war on EA

joshanddrew wrote:ohh did i hurt phils feeling that really wouldnt look so good a top plauer coming in te side of an alliance that already thratens and out-numbers us and were stil winning again just shows what kind of person you are but...that would give reason for the rest of my friends worried about their image to come in on our side....
Better watch it josh. I might be incited to enter the war and I've already pwned your fleet recently. Actually, I totally destroyed it. :lol:

Re: Sparta declares war on EA

im sorry you havnt touched my fleet not exactly sure where you get your facts unless you were one of the 42 people who crashed me when i was haxed by someone if so gratulations you crashed an inactive...

Re: Sparta declares war on EA

Dude, I'm telling you right now that you are a liar.

comettail- if you wish, you have another merc (and as phil stated, no conjunction with RAWK).

Re: Sparta declares war on EA

show me the report their slash as i would have noticed if a top fleeter decided to take 100bs from me and wow it seems rawk loves to gang up on the underdog.i hope you have fun finding my fleet.

Re: Sparta declares war on EA

joshanddrew wrote:show me the report their slash as i would have noticed if a top fleeter decided to take 100bs from me and wow it seems rawk loves to gang up on the underdog.i hope you have fun finding my fleet.
Finding your fleet? You don't have one. And I'm going to send a message to all of your alliance mates each time I hit them that it was all courtesy of your lying mouth. I took your fleet the very next day after you bragged about not fleet saving. I wouldn't save a measly report for 106 Battleships and a hand full of scrag.

Call me a liar???? You have no future in this game. I am going to farm you senseless. I am going to make your alliance hate your frigging guts.

Re: Sparta declares war on EA

so you are acting on a personal vendetta against me trying to get my alliance and friends to kick me out and your saying im a bad person for counting the td to sparta cause comet attacked me...2 top 30 fleeters enter a war on a personal vendetta beacause apperently they dont have anythjing better to do

EDIT- funny thing you calling me a liar i have 50 combat reports leading all the way back to almost 3 weeks ago far bfore the time you supposedly hit me the people who have crashed me are as follows...bomber,comettail,head,and a few farm attacks on some unprotected colonys from oldraven you are not mentioned so do not call me a liar as ive seen your probes before youve never launched a fleet at me once tough guy...

Re: Sparta declares war on EA

That's okay. You called me a liar a second time. No need for any further debate. Your gaming days in ZE are going to be a miserable experience from this moment forward, same with your alliance mates.

Re: Sparta declares war on EA

ALRIGHT TOUGH GUY WHY DONT YOU STOP THREATNING OTHER PEOPLE AND COME AFTER ME i fear you not slash you are a wanna be tough guy on a browser based space mmorpg and you can lie and threaten but until you go after me you are a pu***y
