Re: Dacia VS AZG

Spankie just want me to pick on Curtis because he continually wftpwns you.

But hey, if you want people like Gale in your alliance, have fun with that. I'm sure she will fit in well over there.
I named curtis because I know you dont like him either. If you call him getting lucky 'wtfpwning' go nuts, says alot about your own playstyle. From the way youre behaving atm Spankie Id far rather have Gale in AZG than you, for example.
Gale can speak for herself, doesnt mean I have to sit out commentary like that either.

Re: Dacia VS AZG

From what I have seen from 90% of AZG, i'd rather she be in there than me as wel, so we agree. As for my play style, we each have our own. I'm glad this "war" is going well. To be honest if your alliance had all this "decency" you speak of, Defiant would petition for the end of the war. Its so funny the members of AZG talk about winning a war, but the other side is not doing anything. Granted, you guys won this war a month or more ago simply because Dacia stopped adn went into hybernation. Besides Defiant, really didnt see others doing much but hitting inactives lol.

and WHY do people getting hit always say how "lucky" the other person was?

Re: Dacia VS AZG

Generally I say it in this because RL got in the way, and then Curtis happened to probe me. If say Pkromm probed me when RL fouled up, Id say fair enough good hit because he probes me daily. Curtis just happened to probe me during foulups. Hence, luck.
I dont see why we should end this war. Were still hunting Dacia, we consider ourselves to be at war. Why shouldnt we continue it?
As to hitting inactives, I didnt hit any greys till 2/3 weeks into the war. That said theyd have been going inactive for what is it, 2 days? before they turned grey. Also bis was hunting actives, he just hates the forums. Which is why I posted a couple hits from him. Also the ninja vs logged was no inactive. In essence, we hit inactives, for profit. We posted them since we were at war. Whose fault is it that Dacia wasnt cleaning up? We certainly were. This war is going well because were winning and Dacians are running scared. Maybe now D1 is back it might heat up again, but I suspect hell just flee right on back to Vmode.

Re: Dacia VS AZG

Spankie wrote:and here I thought she said she could speak for herself.
I simply chose to listen to WW is all. I've done nothing wrong to you, so I cannot see why you dislike me so (seeing as how your 2nd post had nothing to do with anything that I'd said whatsoever....). I apologize for upsetting you, but I don't believe this pointless "forum fight" fixes anything, nor was it the best answer to this. A simple private message conversation would've sufficed...

If you dislike me so much, please take advantage of the verbal freedom in private messages and send me one - but this thread is for Dacia vs. Azg, and I do not believe that our dispute should be this public. It's between you and I. Making issues public is just like giving everyone the "go" to post their thoughts, so don't get angry with Rogue...

Spankie wrote:...But hey, if you want people like Gale in your alliance, have fun with that. I'm sure she will fit in well over there.
I would appreciate it if you didn't insult our alliance like that. We've done nothing to you.

I hope you can see that I am choosing my words very carefully in attempt to not make this problem grow and to hopefully come to a resolution between us. The only "fighting" that I like to participate in is in the ring.

_______________________Public Relations Administrator______________________

__________________A tongue of silver is worth plenty in gold._________________

Re: Dacia VS AZG

All I can say is GOOOOOOO DACIA!!!!!!

The only way AZG is winning is because of DACIA's inactivity.

AZG tell your whimps to stop acting like victims and stfu imo.

Re: Dacia VS AZG

what i dont understand is why the hell does my name come up all the time?im not even in this thread so wft?

Re: Dacia VS AZG

ENOUGH.... Keep it on topic or I will close it. You guys take your petty bickering into pm's when they do not pertain to the thread at hand.
Just when you thought your were in control... I proved you wrong!

Re: Dacia VS AZG

Surely the new rules apply to this thread and this war should be ended?

Re: Dacia VS AZG

makks wrote:Surely the new rules apply to this thread and this war should be ended?
Neither leader has petitioned for formal pursuit of closing this war under the new rules. They are imposed not automatically.

Re: Dacia VS AZG

AA i see, good cus im having too much fun watching with this war , its jus ttoo exciting :roll: