Adventure CAVERN


suddenly a the ground beneath you rumbles then falls straight inwards, you all find yourself in a cavern with an exit to the east, and west!

There is a shelf containing five two handed swords and a note that says "TZHZEWZZESZTIZZSZZTZZHZZERZZIGZZHZTZWZZAZY Zs ARE EVIL"

Also just to make the scene even worse there are two dwarves who have spotted you and are drawing there little swords. :shock:

Re: Adventure

I land in the cavern softly, unlike the two on the ground beside me, i am an elf, my agility is far beyond theirs. Looking up i smile as i see the two dwarves unsheathe their small scimitars. Completely ignoring the broadswords in the weapons rack to the right, i flick open both my wrist blades.

Easily sidestepping a clumsy swing from the first dwarf, i swing my leg around, tripping him. As he falls forward, dropping his sword i drive my wrist blade deep into the back of his neck with a sickening crunch as it slices through his spinal cord. Quickly spinning round i find the other dwarf standing over one of the others who had fallen with me, as the dwarf swings his sword back, preparing to behead one of the men, a small throwing dagger embeds itself into the back of his head. The sword, and dwarf, topples over, dead instantly.

Dusting my hands off from my two easy kills, i take up the note. Wondrously i see such an easy encryption i wonder if it is a trap. The note reads; "The West is the right way".

Turning back to the others who had fallen with me, i ask; "What now?". Still unsure as to whether they are trustworthy, but too mystified by the cavern to take it further.

When people ask me plz because it's shorter than please, i feel inclined to respond no because it's shorter than yes...

Re: Adventure

Are you kidding me?

Role playing is fun but if you include stupid rules like that i'd rather not take part. Have fun.

When people ask me plz because it's shorter than please, i feel inclined to respond no because it's shorter than yes...

Re: Adventure

well, if you have ever played D&D you would realize that its a random outcome, not always in your favor. It's easy to write your own outcome and pwn everybody by saying " I sneak up on him and slash his throat". Honestly, you write very well, but the fact that you took over my character with such an easy plot was the reason I havent written anything from that point. If everything comes so easily just becaus you want it to go that direction, there is no fun in the play for everybody else. Take for example, in the beginning you were given a pocketknife, some food, and an empty jar, suddenly you have bow and arrow, and wrist knives that pop out on queue. If you notice, he gave us additional equipment on the way, I.e. the broadswords when we fell into the cave.

So, with that said, this style of game has to be a random outcome that you do not have control of. That my good friend is the object of the game, wait to see what your actions produce and make decisions from that. So lets just take action and see what we have in store for us around the corner.

Re: Adventure

I obviously am not familiar with this type of role play so i'll just step out and let you guys have fun. Just say the dwarves killed me or something.

When people ask me plz because it's shorter than please, i feel inclined to respond no because it's shorter than yes...

Re: Adventure

Honestly I think you would do well in this style, however it is not black and white. Imagine you are actually there, do you know what will happen each and every turn? No you dont, you have to figure it out as you go. That is the only difference. It's really no different than ZE, you launch, but you dont script that you launch, and kill everything along the way and have 3billion resources and only had to send out one SC to get it. No, unless you are MOB that is.