Please make sure you have checked the Players Guide thread first, before asking any questions.


First off I am working on the assumption that is a player does not have a ranking letter next to their name and the text is white that they are online. Is this correct? If so is it possible to have the code displayed even if they are online? It would be noce to be able to see ones own ranking ie when on moves from newby to a higher status. Thanks in advance for you time and effort with this.

HoD Maq'mang
Lord of Qo'noS
Klingon Defense Force
"What does not kill you, makes you stronger!"

Re: Raiding

People who are white are in between ×5 and 1/5th of your score, not online or offline. If you'll notice in the galaxy view planets that have (*) or (10-59) that means there was activity on that planet, be it the player themself, a probe, or an attack. That's how you tell if a player is online or not.
Forum Administrator
Noblesse Oblige 77 MP

Re: Raiding

Ok I understand the Player Color coding.. what is up with the Planet's color coding??? some are light green, some are dark green, and I have seen some planets where they are "attack me" green and the player is "F****K you up" red...

Re: Raiding

Green planet names mean they are in your alliance, or, if you are not in an alliance, other players that are also not in an alliance will show as green planet names.

When people ask me plz because it's shorter than please, i feel inclined to respond no because it's shorter than yes...