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Strong players

Ok, I've looked everywhere for this topic, but can't find anything on it. I hate to post something that's already been covered, but there are a LOT of posts. Anyway, how do you become a strong player (s)? Is there a certain amount of ships/defenses you need?

Re: Strong players

once again, as has been explained before... you show up as an (s) to OTHER players that have 1/5 your score or less, YOU always show up white to yourself. Anybody that has 1/5 your score will show up as (n) to you. If you have 1/5 somebody elses score YOU will show up (n) to them an they will show up (s) to you.

But you will ALWAYS be white to yourself.

Re: Strong players

Hey thanks weresloth and spankie. I'm sure it has been explained before spankie, but I don't know which of the hundreds of posts to look for. I went through all 35 pages of help and couldn't find it. Thanks again, and I won't bug you