Slash[RAWK] vs Defiant[AZG]

I wasn't gonna post this but thought i should seeing that slash is such a high class player..

Saw he's attacking fleet approaching and knew i'll have to be very precise if i want to pull it off.. but my page-reload time wasn't playing along, so had to recall 3x.. only got my fleet in there 20 secs before :oops: but luckily slash had basically the same problem..

Small but a ninja is always nice :D

The defender has won the battle !
The attacker has lost a total of 143.015.000 units.
The defender has lost a total of 508.800 units.
A debris field containing 46.893.180 units of Metal and 39.110.400 units of Crystal has formed in orbit around the planet.
The probability of creating a moon is : 20 %

Slash was a good sport ;)

Re: Slash[RAWK] vs Defiant[AZG]

everyone can take a page from defiants book of never say die!
just a couple weeks ago was the victum of a mass slaughter and already smackin everyones hands before they get to the cookie jar!

i think a round of applause for the 1 you linked me yesterday would be in order too!!

nice job on the rebuilding and to you as well 'old man'...i mean young wiper-snapper!!