Re: Vengeance Vs Hells Fury

Zookon wrote::shock: Lots of talk I see... it is only talk though. I knew this would happen though as it is a must on ZE, no talk on here = a very dull game ..... but GAME it is!

I have my reasons for why I have made this move, these reasons are between the people involved and those people only.

If it makes you all feel better go ahead and change your votes on the awards, that doesn't change the player I am. I will always play ZE the way I always have done, that will never change.

Good luck ~HELLS~

The player you are may not have changed but my view of you has. What happened to you never joining V as you said in the chat? What happened to the defiance, fire and brimstone to stand against V and show them you werent going to be shoved around?
It may be a game, but actions still speak louder than words. Ill assume your actions are for the good, but I cant look on this with anything but distaste.
And people wonder why the game is going downhill.

Re: Vengeance Vs Hells Fury

RogueSpearofTRA wrote:The player you are may not have changed but my view of you has. What happened to you never joining V as you said in the chat? What happened to the defiance, fire and brimstone to stand against V and show them you werent going to be shoved around?
It may be a game, but actions still speak louder than words. Ill assume your actions are for the good, but I cant look on this with anything but distaste.
And people wonder why the game is going downhill.
Without hearing reasons it's easy to throw around negativity, but he does have good motives behind it so give the man a break yeah?

When people ask me plz because it's shorter than please, i feel inclined to respond no because it's shorter than yes...

Re: Vengeance Vs Hells Fury

GeneralWickedDeez wrote:Where's WW...Havent heard her comment in a while...why dont you comment on this one misses??



Would you like for me to slap you with a Trolling ticket?

As for any comments about Zooks.... eh to each his own, he had his reasons and they are no one else's business. Things happen, things change.... the only thing I will say is....good luck HF .
Just when you thought your were in control... I proved you wrong!

Re: Vengeance Vs Hells Fury

:o :o Oh my,now Zook is one of the ~V~'s...? :| Too bad,but i guess that you had good reasons for leaving Hells Fury...

Alive, or just breathing ?

Re: Vengeance Vs Hells Fury

Istalris wrote:Without hearing reasons it's easy to throw around negativity, but he does have good motives behind it so give the man a break yeah?

I said I assume he had good motives, I just cant look at yet another major fleet joining V with good taste. Not so much because its one more that could be be aimed my way, but because its one less that will compete with V. For a vibrant game you need a balance of power. When you get all the best players in one big alliance with noone at a similar power level, the game starts to stagnate because theyre not hunting each other and only hunts smaller players so none can compete.
Thats all I meant, apart from what happened to what hed said before, why the change of mind?

Re: Vengeance Vs Hells Fury

Thank you guy's for the support you have given to me since my move. I appreciate all the comments you have made. I will not change as a player just because i have joined ~V~ as I have already stated.

To Rogue... you can look at this in whatever way you wish but my reasons are my reasons and why you should think that it was upon my shoulders to be the one who opposes ~V~ I will never know! I have done what I needed to do and you can look upon me however you want but the Zook will always be the Zook, that will never change! Maybe there should be more people out there who should at least try and grow strong enough to become the oppresor! There are way's and means to become strong in this game that everyone of you are capable of. Put some time and effort in yourselves and ZE will become more competitive to all of us!

In my opinion I have made the correct decision, ~V~ will become my ZE family and I have no intentions of moving again! Once you are at the top you have no need to move on 8-) I have worked with many strong player's in my time here and I am over the moon that I now have chance to work with the creme de la creme!

I never mean any offence to anyone in this game, I have many friends out there and they will always be my friends no matter what.
Good luck to you all,


Re: Vengeance Vs Hells Fury

I was thinking it was on your shoulder as you were one of the last remaining big fleets and also said you would!
Now you know :P
There are ways and ways to grow, and Ill be trying ;) Uni is looking to be a bit hectic at the moment though, I really cant say if Ill be able to play with any kind of real presence or just return to mining till summer. But I shall do my best of course. I just dont like my chances running the 12 gamer V gauntlet to the top :P! Theres alot of skill there and no mistake, try not to slap down every fleet is all I ask! Its hard to compete amongst ourselve when you keep killing our ships :P

Re: Vengeance Vs Hells Fury

I on behalf on Hells Fury I surrender to ~V~!

I read in the rules that you can just surrender, i messaged SoC for a truce but after I received no reply i decided to do this!

The war turned pointless. We know we could not win so thats why would we continue? We dont so much bow down but we walk away!

Sometimes it takes a bigger man to surrender rather than keep fighting, so i try and end this now!

I hope you ~V~ guys accept this

The day has arrived where death is just another one of those thrills!