Re: Reason Behind Account Names

Ive been using RogueSpear for around 5 or 6 years now on just about everything, I was starting to design a game where the Main Characters were all in 'Rogue Squadron' and the pilot/soldier callsigns were the Squad name 'Rogue' and then the characters unique, in my case 'Spear.' A couple friends got into it to, we had RogueAce, RogueHawk, RogueChaos, RogueGuardian, RogueLord, RogueMage, RogueEngine, RogueBattlecat, RogueWolf, RogueLegion, and we never did find a 12th person. The game was to be called The Rogue Army. When we started playing a game called BattleDawn, you ran a colony where you had to choose a rulername and a colony name. You ended up being xxxx of yyyyy. So I used RogueSpear of TRA for that, and most games seem to have Rainbow6 fans using the RogueSpear tag, so I tend to try the ofTRA version if I plan to start an alliance. This time I didnt!
My planet names were all Sturm something. My main was Sturmgart, which was the name Id given to some elite mooks for the game I was twiddling with at the time. In german it means StormGuard. I wanted all my planets tied in to each other, so I had Stormkiller, Stormfist, Stormhunter, all sorts.
Then I realised all of them could be found by searching the word 'Sturm' so I took it out of all the tags, bar the original Sturmgart and its moon the Sturmhold!

Re: Reason Behind Account Names

12345678911 wrote:I h8 math so basically 12345678911 was totally random... also my usual name A_Loser... was taken so i had to use this.. my planets are named that just to bug ppl lol!!!!!
well missing the number 10 shows how much u hate it. u can't even pay enough attention in that class to know there is a number 10 :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

(no offense)
Leader of Eldrith Pirates

Re: Reason Behind Account Names

well there's really no story behind mine. i made it up. i took my initials and formed them into this. it's a great gamer name because no one else ever uses it, or would want to :D as for my planets/moons, i made those up too. although i've decided to have them all start with K, for no particular reason. it actually gets kind of difficult to keep making up words...
Forum Moderator: The Chill One ~ Gale Points: 52
The only thing standing between me and immortality is death.

Re: Reason Behind Account Names

KarrothMelu wrote: I took my initials and formed them into this.
You have eleven names???

I guess my parents were poor I've only got three..... then again if i didn't wake up with an erection christmas morning i didn't have anything to play with.
Last edited by Krakhead on Mon Sep 07, 2009 5:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"The best weapon against an enemy is another enemy."

Re: Reason Behind Account Names

well everyone started calling me monkey for reasons i can't really say here and i'm a boy so monkeyboi was born lol not very interesting but still
all my planets are taken from the greek alphabet though originally they were taken from the fallout:tactics brotherhood of steel bases ending in the 5th letter so i just sorta continued from there
again not very interesting but still they used to be called lol,lmao,lmfao etc. etc.
anyways about that norse thing umm i've read up on some of the gods of norse mythology from Wikipedia which as you know isn't a very reliable source so i don't know too much but i think i know a decent amount

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Re: Reason Behind Account Names

I got this from my cousin when he used to play Dark Cloud and had decided to press random buttons for a name and came up with Surrias. I took one look at it and thought cool and started using it for all of my Acc. names on online games. I still us my old name from time to time though and the old one was Smickle. :D
Gale Points: 6

Re: Reason Behind Account Names

Krakhead wrote:
KarrothMelu wrote: I took my initials and formed them into this.
You have eleven names???

I guess my parents were poor I've only got three..... then again if i didn't wake up with an erection christmass morning i did't have anything to play with.
haha no. first and last. K and M. :roll: and really, i could have survived without knowing that... :|
Forum Moderator: The Chill One ~ Gale Points: 52
The only thing standing between me and immortality is death.