Gummpy [~V~] vs Defiant [AZG] TD 3,190,018,500

what can i say..another hunt that took weeks to catch..when it comes to great players they are hard to nab.Defiant is for sure a trooper and understans the hunter and the being hunted aspects of the game so he always seems to keep his cool.

Todays hit took alot of misdirection, patience as from time i probed till i set up a colony was 4 hours..slow moved my BS and BC over to the colony..knowing he was online it was gonna be a crap shoot as to whether i was gonna hit or miss yet again on we see it was a hit and with under 5 minutes to strike caught em off guard.

The attacker has won the battle !
You receive 1664290 units of Metal, 33810 units of Crystal and 888924 units of Deuterium.
The attacker has lost a total of 474.700.000 units.
The defender has lost a total of 2.715.318.500 units.
A debris field containing 1.305.192.450 units of Metal and 526.036.650 units of Crystal has formed in orbit around the planet.

64k rec wasn't enough to clean this up so guess i need to make more:/ he nabbed a bit of it since this was an online target but lion share was recovered!

You are a great sport Defiant and very GloTR to you..

Re: Gummpy [~V~] vs Defiant [AZG] TD 3,190,018,500

All i can say is WOW! Gumppy literally had a 5min window to hit me (where i didn't check the "overview" screen).. i was online sitting infront of my PC... and best of all is i was actually on that planet deciding if i should build BCs or BS.. and when i clicked on the "fleet" tab i saw a new msg... an attack report... on that planet! Fleet destroyed!

The timing was truely epic! It was as if he could see exactly what i was doing.. Damn good hit gumppy, i must say you really deserve it! To hit in a 5min window while your fleet takes 4mins to hit... i just can't get over the timing!
