Re: A discussion of missiles, economics, and good neighbors:

SirDuction wrote:i think you are missing the point here, i wouldnt be in the higher ranks if i didnt love profit and fun..

im giving up on this now though, i'll just sit back and watch you guys try and fight it out only going for profit hits, should be interesting i suppose.. lol even more so in a month or two when everybody has lots more defences up.. lol :)
I wasn't far off base. You're certainly looking down on us as if your rank really means anything.

I tried to be nice and understand where you were coming from. But you came off with one Hell of an arrogant attitude (again). I don't have an attitude because I'm a mod. I have an attitude because you think for some reason your points make you worth crap.

But you already said before that you wouldn't respond anymore and did anyway. :lol:

Re: A discussion of missiles, economics, and good neighbors:

lol your right i just cant help myself.. lol ;)
i was giving up the first time trying to explain to you about the fighting without profit thing though..

and just try reading back a few pages to your first few posts if you want to see arrogance Slash, yes i did pull the rank thing on you but only after being called a noob a few times and then having you start the rubie thing witch obviusly implies you'd be beating me if i didnt have some advantage, (witch i dont) you'll notice my "arrogant" remarks were answers to your not so subtle suggestions.. ;)

Re: A discussion of missiles, economics, and good neighbors:

Ladies, ladies, ladies... Less of the handbags please! This is getting out of control and I want to nip in the bud before someone gets hurt. Everybody has their own style of play, SD doesnt defense bash people for "jollies" (That term makes me laugh.. lol) he is clearly pointing out that some people use that style of play. At the same time, whoever was noob enough to overkill an IPM attack on Coolhand was just a noob and this is not the same idea. Wires are getting crossed here so lets drop the BS and play!

SD got to where he is without rubies, fair play. I in no way believe he looks down at people because of his rank. He is defending himself from ppl accusing him of buying rubies. Slash, it may have been said in jest but to me it could have been interpreted as a sly dig.

As I mentioned, everyone has different game plans and different styles of play. Each to his own.