Re: Reason Behind Account Names

Mistole was an old EQ/mmo/MUD game name I have been using since 1995 when I started playing. It was around the holidays and I had just hooked up with my wife (GF at that time) and I was trying to think up a name to play and she walked up holding a mistletoe above me and kissed me. One of the best kisses in my life to this day. Hence why I still use it now.


Re: Reason Behind Account Names

My game name comes from way back when most games only took three letters. I guess most people used their initials. I was also reading The Death Gate Cycle at the time. I believe it was the name of the Patryn leader. It's been so long I could be wrong. If you have read the books, you know what I mean.
When your government says not to panic, That's when you run!

Re: Reason Behind Account Names

this is a runescape/club penguin thing
a while ago my friends played cp and for some reason they gave me a acount called poloy123
thats where the 123 comes from
since i liked dogs around at this time so i called it 123dog but it was taken and it said that 123dog51 wasnt taken so i got 123dog51 if its not that its randomizedudes
and when it came to zorg i put them together and it came with 123dog51
and my game acount is just random because i like the word blah
been a bird may be fun but get used to getting shot by idiots