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Question with colonising

heres a small question about colonising.. if i sent a colony ship to colonise a certain empty space, can i send my fleet before it arrives and by doing so having the fleet arrive just after the planet colonises? to save time that is

Re: Question with colonising

so can you send other ships with your colony ship as the same fleet to colonize? Or do you have to send them separately? Also, if you want to transport something to a planet, does it have to have a ship yard lvl high enough for the ship, or doesn't that matter? I'm assuming that in order to deploy a ship, the target planet must have the required ship yard built already, right?
Forum Moderator: The Chill One ~ Gale Points: 52
The only thing standing between me and immortality is death.

Re: Question with colonising

Milito wrote:No, it doesn't. You can send any ship to any planet even if they don't have a Shipyard built.
Let's just hope you have an ACS Depo so that you don't run out of Deut. :D
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