Re: D&D

Ok now that it is my turn i shape shift into a wolf and attack using Savage Rend on the Dire rat.

The attack roll has a +3 vs. Reflex. If it hits the damage is a 1d8+3 and i slide the target one square away from me.

I then shift fowards to be standing next to the dire rat again.
Leader of Eldrith Pirates

Re: D&D

ilikepieyum wrote:wow thats really good!
do you know how to play D&D?
u would be a great dungeon master!
or you could join us with a wizard!
I don't know how to play your game but i can add my storyline to the background as it progresses if you like. :D

When people ask me plz because it's shorter than please, i feel inclined to respond no because it's shorter than yes...

Re: D&D

um i could teach you the basics or u could buy one of the books and play with your friends you would be great at it! The book that you would want is Players Handbook fourth edition!

Also you should write a book! :lol:

Re: D&D

ilikepieyum wrote:um i could teach you the basics
Nah it's ok, i haven't the patience to learn it. :P I can just add a backing story like i have done, or i can leave you guys to it, i don't mind. :)
ilikepieyum wrote:Also you should write a book! :lol:
So i have been told lol. :P

Reading a lot of fantasy stories makes you good with words like that.

When people ask me plz because it's shorter than please, i feel inclined to respond no because it's shorter than yes...

Re: D&D

Istalris wrote:High in the hills, above the plateau where the battle was raging, a disturbance was materialising. Dark energy crackled through the air as a seam appeared. A void, tugging on the very fabric of the world, ripping and tearing it apart as the seam grew..

The writhing void pulsed as a man stepped through, he was garbed in a long black robe, obscuring is face with a hood. He carried a long staff, twisted and inscribed with powerful runes at his side. The man raised a clawed hand from within the folds of his robe, making a waving motion and saying words of power, the void behind him collapsed, leaving nothing in its wake.

The dark sorcerer looked down upon the battle, these mortal races, he thought to himself, Why do they fight, one would think they would savour what little time they have on this wretched world. He shook his head a little, now was not the time for such mysteries. He had been drawn here for a reason, his hunger for magic had called to him, there was a being of power with these mortals. He had devoured much magic in his time, but one, had always evaded his grasp. The element of nature. With this, he could combine every element and force that resided in the world, making him nigh on unstoppable.

The sorcerer concentrated, extending his psychic power throughout the plateau. Yes.. there.. an Elven Druid fights by the side of these pathetic creatures. Perhaps they do not know how lucky they are to be graced with the friendship of such a powerful being. Nature, was the one source of magic that is unlimited. Perhaps the Druid himself is unaware of just how much power he wields...

He continued to watch the fight as he thought to himself.. how easy it would be to rip the power from the Druids soul right now, leaving him as a barely alive husk. Perhaps.. these creatures can further my gain.. yes.. now is not the time, i will be patient..

And with that, the sorcerers staff glowed as the crackling void re-opened, swallowing him back. Nothing was left on the hills to tell the tale of the dark event. The fighters battling on the plateau below had no idea of just how close they came to a horrible death...


Sorry guys, had to jump in. ;)

wow iatalaris is there any thing you cant do thats a nice piece of work did you write it yourself im very immpressed :D
when i bite i bite hard dont mess with the fish