Re: A discussion of missiles, economics, and good neighbors:

While I'm dispensing pearls of wisdom ...

This is how you defend your planet.

This is also NOT how you attack a planet.

The following fleets faced Tue, 17 Feb 2009 16:18:03 -0700 :

Attacker ___________ [x:xxx:x]]
Weapons: xxx % Shields: xxx % Armor: xxx %
Type Destroyer.
Number 30

Defender Coolhand [x:xxx:x]
Weapons: xxx% Shields: xxx % Armor: xxx %
The attacker has won the battle !
You receive 9 units of Metal, 4 units of Crystal and 3 units of Deuterium.
The attacker has lost a total of 0 units.
The defender has lost a total of 0 units.
A debris field containing 0 units of Metal and 0 units of Crystal has formed in orbit around the planet.

Now I'm dying to know:

What does it cost to move 30 destroyers 70ish systems?
I got the rationale of a New York cop
I got the patience of a chopping block

Re: A discussion of missiles, economics, and good neighbors:

its not arrrogant to use the right type of fleet in an attack that will ensure no losses, its the smart way to do things i think.. lol ;)

i'll have to say that i dont agree with Coolhands reasoning, if you are going to be a pirate and raid others for the profit then you dont get to choose how they will retaliate, just because you only punched him doesnt mean he cant kick you back, or shoot you in the head.. lol ;)

if you are an aggressive player then be sure not to leave any weak spots in your defences before making enemys or else you have nothing to complain about when they take advantage of them.. :)

i did love the wall of text though and it gave me something to read while waiting for my fleets to return from the last set of raids.. lol

the only other points i want to make are that..
1/ moving your fleets is not defending.. lol its called "moving your fleets" or "running".. lol ;)
2/ making it known to the guys your fighting that profit is your aim when attacking them is always a bad call, they only need to focus on costing you as much as possible to win and thats what smaller guys go for most of the time, they dont try to win all out but try to catch stray fleets and bases that are not defended well, like with 1 CR and a few cargo ships.. ;)