Re: Eldrith~Arathis vs. United Federation of Planets

wow, joshandrew, your starting another war. How mature of you. Just because you hate an alliance doesn't mean you bring your whole alliance with your crusade. You know what? I don't care about this s*** anymore, y'all go fight whatever you want to fight with.

EDIT: I got your PM, sorry joshandrew, I'm just not going to put up with you going to war just because you hate E~A, good luck with your war.
Whenever my fleet gulps down deuterium, it belches DF


Re: Eldrith~Arathis vs. United Federation of Planets

To RWH: Good luck with whatever your doing, getting probed joshandrew doesn't mean you need to go to war.

TO E~A: Quit with the wars! It's annoying and if your going to turn out to be another TDI alliance, a lot of people will hate you.
Whenever my fleet gulps down deuterium, it belches DF


Re: Eldrith~Arathis vs. United Federation of Planets

no no pwnage im sorry we will not be going to war im sorry for trying to get you as well to go to war i will continue my merc activity beacause i really am starting to hate supercows cocky attitude about taking my fleet and how our members are good farms my alliance may attack ea members at thier whim but we are not at war

Re: Eldrith~Arathis vs. United Federation of Planets

joshanddrew wrote:no no pwnage im sorry we will not be going to war im sorry for trying to get you as well to go to war i will continue my merc activity beacause i really am starting to hate supercows cocky attitude about taking my fleet and how our members are good farms my alliance may attack ea members at thier whim but we are not at war
Okay good, your not another E~A, might as well resume my activities.
Whenever my fleet gulps down deuterium, it belches DF


Re: Eldrith~Arathis vs. United Federation of Planets

like i have said time and time agian most of my allies know this and i think gale will cover me on this one i would rather end a problem n diplomacy BUT with certain people who get arrogant and cocky that is hard people who think they are better than you are the ones i cannot negotiate with

Re: Eldrith~Arathis vs. United Federation of Planets

I did not attack Dhoul as a merc. I attacked him because he knew I wanted his fleet and yet didn't fleet save, even though he had two moons in that system alone. Now can we please get back to the war, gentlemen? This isn't about RWH.
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