Re: serenity chat room


A peace treaty between alliances or individuals is known as a Non-Aggression Pact (NAP).

It is only as binding as the integrity of the parties involved. There is nothing that the moderation or administration team can or will do in the event that the NAP is violated.

It is strongly recommended that the NAP be agreed upon by the leaders of the respective alliances in a public forum (for inter-alliance agreements) and personal mail (for agreements between individuals).

It is also strongly recommended that the NAP carry a term limit (example 90 days), to be renegotiated upon the expiration of the term. This has proven to be beneficial to all parties since alliances are very dynamic and fluid organizations that change frequently.

Re: serenity chat room

I do not think a NAP is necassary between us and Replicators. I mean no offense but they pose no significant threat to us. We are not considering going to war with them, nor would we be for a very long time i would have thought. In addition there is nothing we can really do for each other that would merit the introduction of a NAP. I beleive a NAP between us would just be limiting the amount of targets we can choose from whilst raiding, this does not mean we necassarily target you for our raids. This is not just on our side but yours as well. The more you grow the bigger this problem would get. Perhaps we can negotiate a NAP some time in the future. As long as Arshalo agrees with me, the decision is final, we will not enter into a NAP with Replicators.

-Serenity Recruitment Officer-
When people ask me plz because it's shorter than please, i feel inclined to respond no because it's shorter than yes...

Re: serenity chat room

I personally agree, from a tactical perspective this wouldn't benefit us, it may benefit your party but we wouldn't probably attack you anyway, i personally wouldn't because i don't want to start an alliance war in any shape or form. Therefore you shouldn't worry, when you grow we will both be able to help each other, to perhaps neutralize a more powerful threat that can destroy us both, I.E. "The enemy of my enemy is my friend" in that case would be rather fitting. So yes, i do agree with Istalris and i fervently hope for the sake of the alliance - even though nothing bad would probably happen if we did do a NAP - that Arshalo agrees with Istalris as well.
"Great, now we can attack in ALL directions!"

Re: serenity chat room

Not necassarily. A NAP can be declared by two alliances so as not to attack each other or team up against a common enemy.

-Serenity Recruitment Officer-
When people ask me plz because it's shorter than please, i feel inclined to respond no because it's shorter than yes...