Re: King of the hill

No one can beat the power we have!!

Everybody can try to kill us but no matter what we will find a way to kill everybody in our path.

Im the best sidekick ever right TGE.
You thought you had a easy path to victory, before i stepped in the path!

Re: King of the hill

With my expert marksmenship I grab my 50 cal and climb a mountain 5 miles away. With my magical genie I have unlimited ammo and shoot tge and supercow right thoguh the temples of their skulls blowing their brains out all over the hills since I am owner of the mountain with abm missles and anti alien weapons and my magical 50 cal I am now king of the mountain and I give the hills to pwnage always watching over them from above. ( if you want the hills start sucking up because I am now immortal and indestructble gl MFs. ( my friends )

Re: King of the hill

i dont think so miss moo moo i am the overlord of the dead? you cant kill me and i shot you and TGE through your temple! Your both dead corpses never to return to the galaxy. ......but mabe a parallel universe.........but i got the only key to my magical tele door :lol: