Join The Prodigy alliance

Join this new alliance the name is The Prodigy and the tag is CHAØS Contact john if you want an NAP
Here is a bit about the alliance

>The Prodigy<
The Prodigy give each of its members a say in our alliance
If you are searching for a haven of safety this is the alliance for you
We belive in helping all payers dosen\'t mater if you have 1000 points or 20000
1.Do not attack members of your own alliance
2.Do not be rude to each other
3.Do not attack member of other alliances without checking if we have NAPs with them
4.Help one another
5. No arguing through the circular message.
6. Fleetsave do not leave any ships on a planet when you log-off
1. Only applications with Over 1000 points or above will be accepted
2. Cooperation is the key to success
3. You must be an active player, players who are inactive for more
than a week will be kicked. Unless in vacation mode.