Re: Dacia VS AZG

Hello everyone! It's great to be back and hopefully you'll enjoy the attacks that I will soon be organizing ^^.

For the discussion on Dacian1:

Even though he CLEARLY does not respect me, I highly respect him as a leader. Look how far his alliance has gone. Even though I would lead my alliance differently, that does not mean that I should put him down -for any reason other than the way he believes that we're simple push-overs; my alliance and I. Everyone deserves respect - especially the leaders of the top 5 alliance. In victory - I respect him as a leader. In defeat - I'd respect him as a leader (even though our defeat will obviously only be in his dreams ^^).

My point is, Dacian1 SHOULD BE feared and respected. Sure, he treats me in ways that are questionable, but that doesn't mean that I should do the same ^^.

Good luck Dacians, YOU'LL NEED IT.
_______________________Public Relations Administrator______________________

__________________A tongue of silver is worth plenty in gold._________________

Re: Dacia VS AZG

Spankie wrote:you wanna be fair? well you are comparing an Active battle vs inactives. I was not harrassing AZG, just wondering why there were so many ( i ) battles, as in, are both sides getting good at FS, but as usual you take offense to anything so whatever. Have fun with this petty war. Dacia took advantage of a battered AZG and AZG said how they were gonna stomp Dacia for doing so, seems neither of you have or will get what you wanted out of it. Sometimes a treaty to endlessness is valid.
Um, the only (i) battles there were, were the last couple against blueangel... the rest were all against actives :roll:
Most of them that i know off anyways..

Re: Dacia VS AZG

Defiant wrote:
Spankie wrote:you wanna be fair? well you are comparing an Active battle vs inactives. I was not harrassing AZG, just wondering why there were so many ( i ) battles, as in, are both sides getting good at FS, but as usual you take offense to anything so whatever. Have fun with this petty war. Dacia took advantage of a battered AZG and AZG said how they were gonna stomp Dacia for doing so, seems neither of you have or will get what you wanted out of it. Sometimes a treaty to endlessness is valid.
Um, the only (i) battles there were, were the last couple against blueangel... the rest were all against actives :roll:
Most of them that i know off anyways..
Thank you for agreeing with me Defiant. Its nice to see that you agree with me :)

Re: Dacia VS AZG

Dacia, you can't win, you already lost more than half of your members. You only have 13, while as before you started you had 31. This war is getting pointless for you, why don't you preserve the remaining dignity you still have and surrender?
Whenever my fleet gulps down deuterium, it belches DF


Re: Dacia VS AZG

Why should they surrender they bearly got anyone left i think they should disband and seek shelter

just my opinion :ugeek:

Re: Dacia VS AZG

pwnage wrote:Dacia, you can't win, you already lost more than half of your members. You only have 13, while as before you started you had 31. This war is getting pointless for you, why don't you preserve the remaining dignity you still have and surrender?
oddly enough that is EXACTLY what was told to AZG when they were at war with ~V~. And the only reason they finally surrendered to ~V~ was to deal with Dacia. So, if somebody would please start a war with Dacia so they can surrender to AZG it would surely help this situation, dont you think?

Re: Dacia VS AZG

Spankie wrote:you wanna be fair? well you are comparing an Active battle vs inactives. I was not harrassing AZG, just wondering why there were so many ( i ) battles, as in, are both sides getting good at FS, but as usual you take offense to anything so whatever. Have fun with this petty war. Dacia took advantage of a battered AZG and AZG said how they were gonna stomp Dacia for doing so, seems neither of you have or will get what you wanted out of it. Sometimes a treaty to endlessness is valid.
I wasnt taking offence mate, I was just pointing out why we're behind in the TD. One act, rather than the continuous hurt AZG as been putting on Dacia or an effective offensive by them.
Although it seems to mostly be a combination of there being very few dacia targets out there worth hitting atm, and of them, the only ones I know of I cant personally hit. The main work is mainly by a few people in AZG. I personally cant really do much but freak out Dacian1 with mobile colonies. Left it three days after the scans stopped, then upgraded the mines and things a bit, then got 42 spy attacks on it by Dacians over the next 24 hours. Yay psychological warfare...

Also AZG was considering a surrender anyway, it took the Dacia war to get V to present something resembling decent terms.
We're not insisting on attempting to humiliate Dacia by renaming their planets 'owned by v' or w.e though. If I were them Id suck it up. Dacian1, ilie and the rest of the big names who remain cant put any serious hurt on the important AZG players, and Ilie and the rest either FS too effectively or have turtled up enough for our bigguns to smash. But their time will come, I know a certain death god with his eyes on the prize ;)