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Re: Defend my planet from surveillance?

Under 'Options' you can fix the number of espionage ships you will send from the 'Galaxy' screen.

The chance to destroy a reconnaisance mission depends on: 1.) the sender's espionage tech level 2.) the defender's espionage tech level 3.) the number of probes being sent (the more probes, the better chance of detection and destruction) and 4.) the level of fleet and defenses on the planet being probed (the more, the better chance of destruction).

You may need to send more probes at once to get a full report on the planet you are probing.

If you do not see a header on the report for 'Fleet' 'Defenses' 'Buildings' and 'Research', then you did not get any information there. It is possible to probe a planet, see only resources, launch an attack, and fly into a force that you don't have a chance against.

In short, it is impossible to be immune to espionage missions - only to make them more easy for you and more difficult for others. Up your espionage technology.
I got the rationale of a New York cop
I got the patience of a chopping block