Gumps little ninja !! TD 124m

numberone was probably thinking what most think when they probe me...does Gump really leave all the deut unprotected??

well i'm sure Squirrel will gladly pay to find out that 20 minute window i'm not online...but...numberone didn't find it!!Waitted long as i could..he was smart enough to launch 4 safety probes..was fun squeezing the jump to the moon than splitting it so send most of it to DF and what i needed to planet for defense but we got er done!!

The defender has won the battle !
The attacker has lost a total of 123.555.750 units.
The defender has lost a total of 904.350 units.
A debris field containing 47.751.060 units of Metal and 26.793.600 units of Crystal has formed in orbit around the planet.
The probability of creating a moon is : 20 %

Anyhow thanks for the Pizza party..who told ya ham n mushroom was my favorite??!!


Re: Gumps little ninja !! TD 124m

LOL i better stop the confusion now...numberone is an actual name of someone playing game....this was not a SoC hit..the reference to him was merely that he would love to figure out my playtime...if he does he should prolly tell me..that way i might realize 24-7 minus 2 hours a week is too much online time!