So, my building and defense points show on the ranking board like they do on my overview screen, but when it comes to research and fleet they do not, for exsample, on the overview my fleet is 7000+ points but on the ranking board it is only about 800, I'm sure I'm missing something obvious, but could someone tell me what it is?
PS, I have been slowly building up my fleet for some time, a few days, so it is not at though I just built a bunch of ships and I have not recearched anything in the last two days.
Re: Ranking
#2Fleet Ranking shows how many ships you have. Research is the same with the number of things you've researched
Noblesse Oblige 77 MP
Re: Ranking
#3Really? so someone with only 10 light Fighters would show up next to somone who had only 10 Death Stars?
Re: Ranking
#5i think i read somewhere on forum that you get 1 point per 5000 resources spent is this correct?