Re: does anyone play xbox 360

...Shadowrun. If you don't play that game, you're a failure at life.

It is the cheapest game ever, I'm sure you could BUY it for like 10 bucks. Epic game as long as you have the intelligence above that of the average Xbox Live user. If you can't play strategically, don't buy it because you're just going to lose horribly and then whine that the game is broken.

It has a pretty long learning curve, though. It is basic in the controls, but it literally takes days for you to understand all the fundamentals. And then even longer for you to REALLY understand it.

I played the game for like 4 straight months and had played it a few months a year or two before that and I STILL learned new things in each game. If you have any sort of strategic bone in your body, Shadowrun will make you cream your pants.

I can go on all day about how amazing it is, but the post would be huge. So, JUST BUY THE GAME RIGHT NOW. Worst that happens is you don't like it and you lose 10 bucks. Wow.