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Re: moon

Thatguyeric wrote:The graviton cannon backfires

can that happen on a regular raid?
can the death star back fire and destroy itself?

And what are RIPs?
You thought you had a easy path to victory, before i stepped in the path!

Re: moon

The fleet on a Moon Destruction Mission will have to destroy the defender (a normal combat will ensue). If the attacker completely destroyed the defender, it will proceed to the moon destruction mission. Only the # of RIPS + Graviton lvl is calculated in the "Moon Destruction Chance".
If your fleet failed in the Mood Destruction Mission, there is a Fleet Destruction Chance.
Not enough date yet to establish the catalyst of a fleet destruction chance.
Seasons end.

Re: moon

" Only the # of RIPS + Graviton lvl is calculated in the "Moon Destruction Chance" "
I didnt know the graviton playes a roll in moon destro chance.
odd >.<
~ Before You Embark on a Journey of Revenge, Dig Two Graves ~