Re: rumor

I'm sort of disappointed that, after reading this entire topic, I appear the only one bent of the destruction of all things bovine. Seriously. I even set a roamer with a moon just to kill cattle.

Its been a deep seated hated of mine that goes back to early childhood. I saw a cow kick a man to death. And even though I prompted the cow to do it, I'll never forget the satisfied moo the cow uttered after stomping and kicking a human being to his grave. It was pure... evil.

I will not rest until anything cow-like is eradicated from the face of the earth. Hell, I shot a carton of milk this morning just because it was staring at me. Okay, it was the kid on the side of the carton, but it set me off.

Death to cows I say. Chewing their cud and have their udders stroked on a daily basis. Sick animals. Truly sick.

Re: rumor

So, you dont like me because i named myself supercow? The cows on my farm are very nice, that one must of had a problem with it, cows dont usally do that. I think they are a very cool and peaceful animal.
You thought you had a easy path to victory, before i stepped in the path!