Re: Top 10 Video Games of All Time


10. Battle Tanx
9. Battle Field 2142
8. Midnight Club 3 DUB Edition
7. Any of the C&C games (favorite being RA2 Yuri's Revenge)
6. Warcraft 3
5. Halo 2
4. Fable
3. RYL
2. CSS
1. LoZ (Mainly Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask.)

I grew up with Zelda and an N64 so of course Zelda has to be my #1 >.<
Gale Points: 6

Re: Top 10 Video Games of All Time

1. Civilization series
2. Command & Conquer series
3. Star Wars Battlefront II
4. Stars Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
5. Half-life
6. Halo series
7. Fallout 3
8. Final Fantasy series
9. Metroid Prime
10. World of Warcraft

these are mine, and i am fairly suprised at how a lot of people have the same games in their favorites usually everyone can't agree on the best games