You receive 304636 units of Metal, 300571 units of Crystal and 183693 units of Deuterium.
The attacker has lost a total of 30.010.000 units.
The defender has lost a total of 159.259.800 units.
A debris field containing 62.227.380 units of Metal and 23.827.500 units of Crystal has formed in orbit around the planet.
The probability of creating a moon is : 20 %
A moon has formed around the planet ___ [x:xxx:x] !
GLotR and enjoy the moon Weresloth, am sure you'll recover in no time ^.^
Re: Noodle [RAWK] -vs- Weresloth [Nova] TD 189 mill
#2Brilliant hit Noodle. Well done
GLOTR Weresloth shouldn't take too long

GLOTR Weresloth shouldn't take too long


Re: Noodle [RAWK] -vs- Weresloth [Nova] TD 189 mill
#3Boom! Nicely done Noodle.
Swift rebuild Weresloth and enjoy your moon!

Swift rebuild Weresloth and enjoy your moon!

Re: Noodle [RAWK] -vs- Weresloth [Nova] TD 189 mill
#4And now I'll always fleet save 

Noblesse Oblige 77 MP
Re: Noodle [RAWK] -vs- Weresloth [Nova] TD 189 mill
#5Very nice hit Noodle !!
Glotr weresloth and yeah it sure is a good idea to fleetsave
Glotr weresloth and yeah it sure is a good idea to fleetsave

Re: Noodle [RAWK] -vs- Weresloth [Nova] TD 189 mill
#6Was this the movies hit? GLOTR.
Nice hit btw.
Nice hit btw.
Re: Noodle [RAWK] -vs- Weresloth [Nova] TD 189 mill
#7That was a very good hit, nicley done.
You thought you had a easy path to victory, before i stepped in the path!

Re: Noodle [RAWK] -vs- Weresloth [Nova] TD 189 mill
#8LOL. We all learn the hard wayWeresloth wrote:And now I'll always fleet save

Re: Noodle [RAWK] -vs- Weresloth [Nova] TD 189 mill
#9Nice hit Noodle. Even better job hiding your fleet.

"You are in a position to demand nothing. I however, am in a position to grant nothing."
Khan Noonian Singh
Re: Noodle [RAWK] -vs- Weresloth [Nova] TD 189 mill
#10Defenses back 

Noblesse Oblige 77 MP