Re: Dacia VS AZG

I believe it was more of an attack towards the female gender (even if he didn't mean it that way, that's what it seemed like) rather than "smack talk". Although, that's just my opinion. It's not like I don't respect Rukai less than I did before ^^.
_______________________Public Relations Administrator______________________

__________________A tongue of silver is worth plenty in gold._________________

Re: Dacia VS AZG

Gale, I was referring to Witchy's statement:
This is the war topic, not what Dacian1 should do topic. He has been duly informed of the rules of the war. How he proceeds it up to him. He has said that he is going to hand the reins of the alliance over to Ilie.... whether he does that while the man is on vacation or after he gets out is none of our business. He is their leader and may do as he sees fit.

Re: Dacia VS AZG

Witchywoman wrote:Seems to be the war is slowing down, all the CR's have dwindled down to Dacia postings.... Come on AZG let your community know whats going on, are there talks of peace, just a break or what?

Witchy, if you want to see war reports, I suggest you start one. That way you can see all the war reports you want.

It is my opinion that posting combat results here are giving undue intelligence to the general population, otherwise known as enemies. That in my opinion is traitorous.

Posting your reports is akin to pounding on your chest and seeking glory. Glory can come without victory. Those who seek only glory can be lulled into a false sense of security.

I will not be posting any of my victories. We will continue in this war until the other side bows down in defeat. Those of you who don't like it can start and stop all the wars you want. Noone said war is pretty. War should be avoided at all costs. Allowing yourself to be in a position to lose a war that someone declares on you is also something to be avoided. Yes, those of you in V, we lost to you.

If you have a problem with me not posting my attacks, too bad. You can ban me from the forum but you cannot force me to post in it.

Re: Dacia VS AZG

cafe zeppelin wrote:Witchy, if you want to see war reports, I suggest you start one. That way you can see all the war reports you want. If you have a problem with me not posting my attacks, too bad. You can ban me from the forum but you cannot force me to post in it.
First off you go back 4 days to bring this up? No one says you have to post your hits.... I made a general comment about the hits and cr's dwindling to only Dacia posting. I am not the one that started this war, nor did I start the postings of the CR's... My comment was saying it had dwindled to nothing in discussion and in cr's.... and every one was wondering if there were peace talks or what going on. Just seems everyone has a habit of sending me the questions in private instead of wanting to voice anything out in the open.
Just when you thought your were in control... I proved you wrong!

Re: Dacia VS AZG

Sorry you have misunderstood you.

It looked to me like you were begging for some action. As Sadbuttrue said it is OUR war. WE should decide how and what we post. If others want to sit and watch, go ahead. Just don't beg me for free intelligence.

Re: Dacia VS AZG

:) No sir... not begging for free intelligence. I had people asking me if I knew if there were peace talks or what... we hadn't heard from AZG in a while in the forums of the war so hence the comment. Sorry if it sounded wrong.
Just when you thought your were in control... I proved you wrong!

Re: Dacia VS AZG

cafe zeppelin wrote:Peace talks are also between us. Funny they would ask you rather than Dacian1 or the most revered Defiant.
I can see why they'd ask Witchywoman. She seems to know everything that's going on in the forums at all times. She's really dedicated to her work. If I had a question about the forums, I'd ask her.
_______________________Public Relations Administrator______________________

__________________A tongue of silver is worth plenty in gold._________________

Re: Dacia VS AZG

Gale wrote:
I can see why they'd ask Witchywoman. She seems to know everything that's going on in the forums at all times. She's really dedicated to her work. If I had a question about the forums, I'd ask her.

Yes Gale, I would to. But to go to her for information on a war that she is not party to is not going to get you the most accurate information. THAT is what i was saying