Re: Females

Im male, i think that 80-90% of the people that play this game is male, becuase i really couldnt see a girl sitting down and and playing a game like this,no offence to the girls who play, it is all right for any gender to play.
You thought you had a easy path to victory, before i stepped in the path!

Re: Females

Witchywoman wrote:
Gale wrote:Men just don't get it...I think testosterone gets in the way of their logical thinking ^^.
Sorry Gale but I totally disagree with your statement... you are doing the same thing as neo was earlier... you are lumping all men into one general way of thinking and that is not fair in any way... See the reverse could be said of women... women just don't get it because their hormones get in the way of their thinking...

After reading my message again I've recently smacked myself upon the cheeck harshly and took a good laugh at myself. You're completely right ^^.

First of all, I am not seven years old and should, therefore, not act as such ^^.

Secondly, Witch, you hit the spot! "See the reverse could be said of women... women just don't get it because their hormones get in the way of their thinking..."

Who am I to say these things? It was late, I was tired, and it was utterly ridiculous and ABSOLUTELY unlike me to say such a thing! To all whom were offended by my message; my deepest apologies. My remark was completely ridiculous, untrue, and rather "stupid". I ask your forgiveness.
_______________________Public Relations Administrator______________________

__________________A tongue of silver is worth plenty in gold._________________

Re: Females

Men and women will never completely understand each other. We've had 4.5 million years of evolution messing with the way each sex deals with the world and each other. But to be honest, men got the raw end of the last 25 years with the sexual revolution. Women are expected to be accepted into traditional male roles. But if a man were to do the same, he'd be considered gay. Bugger that.

Re: Females

Slash wrote:Men and women will never completely understand each other. We've had 4.5 million years of evolution messing with the way each sex deals with the world and each other. But to be honest, men got the raw end of the last 25 years with the sexual revolution. Women are expected to be accepted into traditional male roles. But if a man were to do the same, he'd be considered gay. Bugger that.
I think that's a bad example, do you hear men or women calling men gay. Men.

Re: Females

Slash wrote:Women are expected to be accepted into traditional male roles. But if a man were to do the same, he'd be considered gay. Bugger that.
I have a cousin that's a flight attendant and he gets that all the time. On the other hand when I first became an oilfield worker one of my first supervisors was a woman and was accepted by almost everyone.
"The best weapon against an enemy is another enemy."

Re: Females

Slash wrote:We've had 4.5 million years of evolution messing with the way each sex deals with the world and each other.
Not everyone agrees with that statement, however.
_______________________Public Relations Administrator______________________

__________________A tongue of silver is worth plenty in gold._________________