Re: Dacia VS AZG

Wars are stupid,just surrender and end it and next time you announce a war be sure all your members back you up and that there is a good reason for a war.
I totally disagree with peeps who just announce wars for nothing especially if they have weak members in their alliance.When Memel announced war vs A~O all I did was targeted weak members and bashed them continously,it wasnt fun for me immagine for the defenders,but i couldnt like crush my fleet vs stronger players.
I think the game is enjoyable enough without wars ,so you dont have to war to be a man, but sometimes you have to war when you are a man.

Re: Dacia VS AZG

What about the women?...*slowly raises hand* :)
_______________________Public Relations Administrator______________________

__________________A tongue of silver is worth plenty in gold._________________

Re: Dacia VS AZG

Gale wrote:What about the women?...*slowly raises hand* :)
What about them? They cook, Man eat,women wash dishes.
Lets stay on topic before Ista tell us so :roll: teehee.

1 warning for trolling, that is an extremely sexist response. I'm sure the females here will be wanting your head for that. Watch what you say. - Istalris

Re: Dacia VS AZG

#215 much things to do in to short time. The real life its another game, more important. you guys, must to have a verry easy life...

Re: Dacia VS AZG

Rukai wrote:
Gale wrote:What about the women?...*slowly raises hand* :)
What about them? They cook, Man eat,women wash dishes.
1 warning for trolling, that is an extremely sexist response. I'm sure the females here will be wanting your head for that. Watch what you say. - Istalris
He's right. I DO want your head for that. However, I am not easily angered. "Treat people how you want to be treated" is a rule I hold myself to.
_______________________Public Relations Administrator______________________

__________________A tongue of silver is worth plenty in gold._________________

Re: Dacia VS AZG

Gale wrote:
Rukai wrote:
Gale wrote:What about the women?...*slowly raises hand* :)
What about them? They cook, Man eat,women wash dishes.
1 warning for trolling, that is an extremely sexist response. I'm sure the females here will be wanting your head for that. Watch what you say. - Istalris
He's right. I DO want your head for that. However, I am not easily angered. "Treat people how you want to be treated" is a rule I hold myself to.
He was just kidding(I think). He let Valadeva be 2nd in command of A~O before he quit, who is a girl( or at least the avatar is).Not saying that it's okay but...

Re: Dacia VS AZG

Errrr....ofcourse I was kidding wtf I am happily with one of those for 20 years and she makes baybeez too yahooooo ???
And Ista don't be so touchy please :).And if anyone though I wasnt joking I appologies to the lovely laydies we have here :P.And freaking stay on topic :P .. Dont quote this,reply to this,whatever lol....

Re: Dacia VS AZG

First, Rukai, downgrading anyone is not considered a joke. Second, his name is Istalris not Ista, and he was not being touchy he was doing his job as a moderator, you were trolling. Third, if you do not wish something to be replied to .... then might I suggest you refrain from posting it. Now back to the topic at hand...

This is the war topic, not what Dacian1 should do topic. He has been duly informed of the rules of the war. How he proceeds it up to him. He has said that he is going to hand the reins of the alliance over to Ilie.... whether he does that while the man is on vacation or after he gets out is none of our business. He is their leader and may do as he sees fit.
Just when you thought your were in control... I proved you wrong!