Re: Michael jackson R.I.P

I dont care either, he WAS the king of pop, but he wasnt the king when he died, you are right, the real michael died a long time ago, did you here the story on the news, his NOSE WAS FALLING OFF ONE DAY BECAUSE HE HAD NO CARTALIGE IN IT, i think he really was plastic.
You thought you had a easy path to victory, before i stepped in the path!

Re: Michael jackson R.I.P

It doesn't matter if you like him or not, it is very wrong to speak ill of the dead. The man may have had issues in life, however, that was in life, let him at least have a bit of dignity in his death. Calling him names after he has left this world proves nothing except the type of person you are, and just think.... someday someone may be talking just like that about you after you have died.

No I am not a huge fan of MJ, he sang well and brought new moves to the fans... May his soul rest.
Just when you thought your were in control... I proved you wrong!

Re: Michael jackson R.I.P

Witchywoman wrote:It doesn't matter if you like him or not, it is very wrong to speak ill of the dead. The man may have had issues in life, however, that was in life, let him at least have a bit of dignity in his death. Calling him names after he has left this world proves nothing except the type of person you are, and just think.... someday someone may be talking just like that about you after you have died.

No I am not a huge fan of MJ, he sang well and brought new moves to the fans... May his soul rest.
I am not going to say that he did or did not rape children, but if he did, you think he should be forgiven in death? Is that the same with the guy who shot up Virginia tech before killing himself?

Re: Michael jackson R.I.P

I see no where in my statement that I said to forgive him... that is not for me to say... my statement is this.... IT IS WRONG TO SPEAK ILL OF THE DEAD. He is dead... he may or may not have done wrong in life, but he is dead, let him rest in whatever realm he is taken to... that is not for us to say. Calling him names and flaming him, now that he is dead is in very poor taste.
Just when you thought your were in control... I proved you wrong!

Re: Michael jackson R.I.P

I wasnt speaking ill of the dead, i was just saying that it was wrong in what he did, and all i did was state my opionin that i dont like him and he was fake IN MY MIND, thats not a fact, it was my opionon.
You thought you had a easy path to victory, before i stepped in the path!

Re: Michael jackson R.I.P

Thatguyeric wrote:but if he did, you think he should be forgiven in death?
If we cannot forgive, we are not forgiven. Life is about forgiveness. Forgiveness is mercy towards those who do not deserve it. Mercy towards those who don't deserve it is love. That's a huge thing that people forget to remember as time passes by. FORGIVE AND FORGET. That doesn't mean what he did/might have done wasn't wrong, but we don't deserve forgiveness for ANYTHING if we cannot forgive others. Witch's right. Insults towards him while he's passed away only show your darker side. I'm not a fan of him, but it's sad when ANYONE dies. He's human like all the rest of us. RESPECT THAT.

PS- Witch, I owe you an apology, my friend.
_______________________Public Relations Administrator______________________

__________________A tongue of silver is worth plenty in gold._________________

Re: Michael jackson R.I.P

i will never forgive michael, he did something wrong and we all know it, that guy eric is right, i can only forgive people that deserve to be forgiven, and in my mind michael doesnt deserve to be forgiven.
You thought you had a easy path to victory, before i stepped in the path!

Re: Michael jackson R.I.P

How in the Hell can he be so acclaimed in death when he was so disliked in life? King of Pop? Every one of his moves were copied from the likes of James Brown and Bo Diddly- he admitted he saw a street performer do the moon walk the first time and got most of his steps from choreographers mimicking those seen on Soul Train and American Bandstand. He denied his race, he denied his sex, he denied being a positive role model.

Now I'm supposed to either shut up or say nice things about him because, from all sources, he died a self inflicted death before failing miserably at a comeback tour? BS.