Re: Females

Men just don't get it...I think testosterone gets in the way of their logical thinking ^^.
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Re: Females

Gale wrote:Men just don't get it...I think testosterone gets in the way of their logical thinking ^^.
Ouch :)

As Good as it Gets
Secretary: How do you write women so well?

Melvin Udall: Easy. I just think of a man, and I take away all reason and accountability.

To be honest, I think men and women are just wired differently.

LOL, is it too late to rescind my Most Diplomatic vote? :lol:

"You are in a position to demand nothing. I however, am in a position to grant nothing."

Khan Noonian Singh

Re: Females

women ask for equality? then they expect you to do nothing when they assault you. if a guy swings at me or hits me i am compelled to smash him. but a woman feels free to hit me and be abusive(does not actually happen, well only in grade 6 i think). to be treated equally means i should knock her out. equality also means we should always split the bill it means i should not pay for your drinks we should both pay for the rubbers.
You can't stop me I'm on a boat!

Re: Females

Sadbutrue wrote:women ask for equality? then they expect you to do nothing when they assault you. if a guy swings at me or hits me i am compelled to smash him. but a woman feels free to hit me and be abusive(does not actually happen, well only in grade 6 i think). to be treated equally means i should knock her out. equality also means we should always split the bill it means i should not pay for your drinks we should both pay for the rubbers.
I am in total agreement here, a lot of women take for granted the protection they think they have.

In regards to the fact that men shouldn't hit women, i couldn't care less. I stand by the self defense rule i would to anyone else, someone hits me three times, i'll hit back, i couldn't give a damn what gender they are.

When people ask me plz because it's shorter than please, i feel inclined to respond no because it's shorter than yes...

Re: Females

Sadbutrue wrote:A man should never hit a lady. But you ain't no lady
Well put, in other words, if they're hardy enough to give one out, they're hardy enough to take one.

When people ask me plz because it's shorter than please, i feel inclined to respond no because it's shorter than yes...

Re: Females

Istalris wrote:
Sadbutrue wrote:women ask for equality? then they expect you to do nothing when they assault you. if a guy swings at me or hits me i am compelled to smash him. but a woman feels free to hit me and be abusive(does not actually happen, well only in grade 6 i think). to be treated equally means i should knock her out. equality also means we should always split the bill it means i should not pay for your drinks we should both pay for the rubbers.
I am in total agreement here, a lot of women take for granted the protection they think they have.

In regards to the fact that men shouldn't hit women, i couldn't care less. I stand by the self defense rule i would to anyone else, someone hits me three times, i'll hit back, i couldn't give a damn what gender they are.

Anybody who hits anybody else in anything but self defense or self preservation has issues. If it is a person you are in a relationship with, you can make that major issues. A guy I graduated from high school with was stabbed to death by his wife. She was reportedly very abusive. He was a mellow guy as far as I knew. So yeah, women can be abusive too. Sometimes restraining someone from hitting you is the best way to go, but you can be sure 99.9% of the time you hit a girl back you can expect to be arrested.

People that are ritually abused develop something akin to Stockholm Syndrome (so named for the empathy kidnap victims develop for their captors from a case in Sweden). One of my buddies from colledge jumped some guy that was beating the crap out of his girlfriend. The girl called the cops and then came after him with a bat.

Anyone who thinks they are going to "Fix" someone like that is either naive or dangerously stupid or both. It is best to get as far away from those kinds of people as possible. Like anything in life, it is much easier to make those tough rational decisions from afar. So no disrespect to anyone who has walked down that unfortunate path. I am sure it is much more difficult than it sounds. Love can make you do some really stupid things.

"You are in a position to demand nothing. I however, am in a position to grant nothing."

Khan Noonian Singh

Re: Females

Gale wrote:Men just don't get it...I think testosterone gets in the way of their logical thinking ^^.
Sorry Gale but I totally disagree with your statement... you are doing the same thing as neo was earlier... you are lumping all men into one general way of thinking and that is not fair in any way... See the reverse could be said of women... women just don't get it because their hormones get in the way of their thinking...
Sadbutrue wrote:women ask for equality? then they expect you to do nothing when they assault you. Equality also means we should always split the bill it means i should not pay for your drinks we should both pay for the rubbers.
In my opinion, if the woman hits you and you have not laid a hand upon her... then knock her arse down, because she deserves it and if she hit you first and you did nothing to deserve it then she is no lady... she is a total b. (yeah I have been told that I seem to think different than most women :p) Now as far as the split of the bill, if you ask me out you pay... if I ask you out I pay, if we both want to go see a certain movie and decide to go together, both pay for their own way. As for contraceptive measures (and protection from other diseases) if you are both in agreement to the encounter and neither have the prophelactics then split the cost...but split the box too :p
Just when you thought your were in control... I proved you wrong!

Re: Females

well my example has to do with strange women getting into fights with men. relationships are another story.

i was more refering to this case where 2 mexican picked a fight with me and they had a chick with them. and she was in my way so i had to deal with her to be able to deal with the idiots.

luckly i got away with hardly any damage and before anyone even saw anything.

cant say the 3 of them were fine tho after the fight.
You can't stop me I'm on a boat!