Re: Things To Laugh About

very funny some of these made me laugh out loud few times
favourite is still the makin thousands of esp probes instead of solar sats :lol:
maybe you could pretend you vader lookin for luke and send one to each planet in your galaxy...

my personal one would be gettin phalanxed with maybe a 10 second window to act
gettin ready to quick deploy palms sweatin heart racin practicing the route from fleet to deploy saying i can do this i can do this
then at last second realise your on the wrong planet! :lol:

this hasnt happened to me but bet it has happened to someone

Re: Things To Laugh About

Yeah...building thousands of probes instead of thousands of sats absolutely is in the GUTTER OF SUCKY HAPPENINGS...there goes my resources and energy...
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__________________A tongue of silver is worth plenty in gold._________________

Re: Things To Laugh About

I still think it's the worst when your internet cuts out without warning leaving your fleet stranded on your moon. Which has happened to me TWICE now. Once it was on a moon for 16 hours straight, didn't even get probed.

Last time my nets cut out i had my fleet split between Galaxies, would have been easy pickings, in a sense anyway. ;)

When i'm crashed i want it to be #1! :D

When people ask me plz because it's shorter than please, i feel inclined to respond no because it's shorter than yes...

Re: Things To Laugh About

Oh something funny for you.

Someone i know on here sent and attack and lost 4 million and destroyed 12 million and sent his recyclers to the wrong planet lol; and someone else took advantage and collected it all
